Monday, January 19, 2015

Doll quilt done

The binding is complete. I did not hand stitch it down as I wanted too.  I just used the machine. Its not perfect, but does looks good. This doll quilt is done and will be put in the doll clothes box. Hoping to find 18 inch dolls this year for the BH house for Christmas.

I also made a few head bands using scaps I had. 

I started a pair of boys pants that I hope to finish today.
If I have any energy. My coughing/chest hurting came back. So tired and down right now.

Take Care, 


Sunday, January 18, 2015

Binding problems continued

Took the binding off, ironed it and proceeded to install it following a you tube video. It was coming together  really nice. My corners were coming out perfect and then as I was coming to the end it happen.......look to the right.

That's right. 
The binding is too short.
 How did that happen?
I don't know, because all I did was take the binding off , iron it and started sewing it back on following a video. 

Gggrrrr! OK on to fix the problem so I could move on. I have some denium waiting to be turned into boys pants.

Take Care, 


Saturday, January 17, 2015

Binding problem

I could not get the binding on this doll quilt sewn on correctly. 

So off it came. 

My goal is to work on it tomorrow 
till is done right. Can't move on to anything else till its finished!

Take  Care,


Saturday, January 10, 2015

Shirt to skirt

This  shirt was a no go from the beginning.

So it became a skirt (size 5).

So I did it my way.

The pattern was very confusing, missed some steps and left you wondering what to do next. Miss spelled words did not help. I paid full price at the Sewing Expo last I need to make at least one to make it worth the money I spent on it.  Will put the pattern away till the summer when I have more time to work on it.

 I am happy with the way the skirt came out. 
Might just make a few more skirts. It came out cute and has a good twril.

Take Care,


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

From scraps

If I remember, I want to show the scraps (I mean donated) fabric that I make things out of for the BH kiddos.

These scraps turned into......

This draw string backpack. It's lined with a dark blue cotton. Has glow in the dark straps.

It was going to the BH house, but instead it will be going to a boy in my class. Due to things beyond his control he, at the moment has nothing and is being passed from house to house.  He lives with grandma (70 plus years) who is in the hospital and not doing well. It's a very sad situation for a 5 year old to deal with. Not sure what is going to happen, but will help as much as I can. Even if it's in a small way.

Take Care, 


Sunday, January 4, 2015

A Little Jacket

A lined jacket. Size 1T.

 I put a doll quilt I was working on aside and made this yesterday afternoon. It was fun and relaxing. 

We never got snow yesterday.  Everyone around us got a few inches, here where we are at, nothing. Today was sunny and beautiful. No jackets were needed. 

Tomorrow it's back to work😕. I need another week to do sewing (recover). I am getting over bronichitis pneumonia,  and am finally getting my energy back (just in time for work). 

Take Care, 


Friday, January 2, 2015

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

The new year brought a dusting of snow. We are in a winter storm watch  tonight.  Hoping for more that we got yesterday.

Take Care,
